القائمة الرئيسية


Why paint?
A number of more or less obvious reasons can be readily given below:
Decoration , Warning , Camouflage , Identification , Safety , Image      and ease of cleaning and decontamination etc. The primary function of the paint is protection for the following substrates.



*ships bottoms
*commodities e.g. in tanks


rot and weathering
contamination, e .g from steel or corrosion products.
Erosion, deterioration and indeed, corrosion of reinforcement bars (Carbonation)
*ships deck
Corrosion & Abrasion

     In most cases the paint is carried out to protect the steel from the corrosion however, the corrosion is generally an electro-chemical process called electrolysis ,when iron and steel are exposed to water and oxygen they quickly corrode . Reddish brown deposits known as rust forms on the surface.
M------® M+++ ne
where M = element involved
            n  = a number
             e  = electron (s)
   ·   Anodic reaction:
       Fe ------® Fe++ + z e-
        i.e.  iron gives iron ions and electrons.
   ·   Cathodic reaction:
      2H2O + O2 + 4e- ------® 4 OH
      i.e. water + oxygen + electrons give hydroxyl ions.
      Fe ++ + 2 OH ------® Fe (OH)2
i.e iron ions plus hydroxyl ions gives iron hydroxide.
4 Fe (OH)2 + O2 ------® 2 Fe O3 H2O + 2H2O
i.e iron hydroxide plus oxygen gives rust.
Acceleration of corrosion reactions is caused by many factors which include:
* Variations in oxygen content on the materials surface.
* Chlorides and sulphides
* Higher nobility metals being in contact with the steel (e.g. mill scale)
* Acids or alkalis.
      Mill scale is an oxide of iron produced when the steel is manufactured; it is a result of the white hot steel coming into contact with air and forming an oxide composed of three layers: FeO nearest the steel, Fe3O4  then Fe2O3  on the outside. Mill scale has a total thickness ranges from approximately 25 um to 100 um.
The following list shows some metals / metal compounds in their order of nobility in sea water at ambient temperature; this list is known as the        galvanic series:
Gold   ……………………  Noble
Mill scale
Steel (iron)
Magnesium  …………….   Ignoble

For example: if steel was in intimate contact with zinc or attached to zinc via a wire in an electrolyte, e.g. soil or water, the zinc would corrode first because steel is more noble than zinc. In this example the zinc becomes the anode and the steel the cathode, i.e. the steel is being cathodically protected.

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